Career Profile

Software Engineer with 17 years of experience. Strong passion for Software Development with experience in Java, Kotlin, Python and C# with working knowledge in distributed environments and cloud.

Delivered more than 40 projects for clients in government, financial, touristic, corporate, advertising and logistics industry. Solved problems like environment architecture and fine tuning to meet the expected user workload, conducted performance tests and code refactoring to increase system’s performance and built the system from the ground up as quick as lightning.

Breaks monoliths into microservices. Builds scalable systems.


Senior Software Developer

2023 - Present
EQ3, Winnipeg

Software Developer on for the retail e-commerce to support and showcase product inventory.

  • Maintenance on Java Backend based on Spring boot, Java 17, Flyway, and JOOQ.

Principal Software Engineer

2022 - 2023
Axlehire, Remote

Being part of the technical counsel, proposed technical guidance on software architecture and development practices. Sought projects in the routing domain to complement current solutions.

  • Developed automated shipment allocation to support routing process in Kotlin
  • Proposed new Kotlin architecture following the S.O.L.I.D. principles and domain driven design.
  • Proposed new Java architecture following the S.O.L.I.D. principles and domain driven design.
  • Proposed new CI/CD practices using Jenkins declarative pipelines, increasing development productivity.
  • Experimented with GCP’s serverless offering to migrate the current VRP solution.
  • Made the routing solution more concise and straightforward by fixing a calculation bug.

Senior Team Lead

2019 - 2022
SkipTheDishes, Winnipeg

Leading the dispatch logistics team delivered incremental features to the system while applying the microservices architecture increasing system reliability and performance.

  • Reduced “Placed to Delivered” time from average 45 min to 29 min.
  • Scaled and improved the system to perform up to 430k deliveries on peak Friday, executing up to 22k courier analises per minute.
  • Migrated all stack from java 8 to java 11 and then java 17 to keep the latest LTS version.
  • Reduced human intervention on the logistics assignment problem to less than 0.1%.
  • Drew technical architectural specifications that supported system and feature development.
  • Remodeled the Delivery domain database applying normalization to relational tables increasing data consistency and reducing occurrences of race conditions due to concurrent updates to tables.
  • Conducted technical interviews and set up a new team that focused on streamlining the delivery offer to new revenue opportunities.
  • Mentored and guided team members conducting periodic one on one meetings, setting professional and personal objectives, building team ownership.

Senior Java Developer

2018 - 2019
SkipTheDishes, Winnipeg

Senior java developer for the dispatch Logistics team working on a cloud based distributed backend system that supported and automated the logistics process.

  • Leveraging the asynchronous messaging architecture, promoted resilience and data consistency by introducing a new data service dedicated to the jobs assignment problem.
  • Developed a scoring library that gave flexibility to customize delivery cost calculations to 500 different markets as opposed to one set of fixed rules.
  • Following the SOLID principles decoupled features to improve code readability and maintainability.
  • Reduced human intervention on the logistics assignment problem to less than 0.1%.
  • Drew technical architectural specifications that supported system and feature development.
  • Remodeled the Delivery domain database applying normalization to relational tables increasing data consistency and reducing occurrences of race conditions due to concurrent updates to tables.
  • Conducted technical interviews and set up a new team that focused on streamlining the delivery offer to new revenue opportunities.
  • Mentored and guided team members conducting periodic one on one meetings, setting professional and personal objectives, building team ownership.

Senior Software Engineer

2017 - 2018
Monumenta Comunicação, Brasilia

Full Stack Software Engineer Developing both mobile and web systems in a fast paced environment with agile methodologies.

  • Rede Conecta - Rede - .Net Framework 4.5.2 Web Api, MVC 5, Entity Framework 6, Angular 1.5, Ionic 2
  • Malas Prontas - LTM - .Net Framework 4.5.2 Web Api, Entity Framework 6, Angular 1.5, Ionic 2
  • Conectados BB - Banco do Brasil - .Net Framework 4.5.2 Web Api, Angular 1.5, Entity Framework 6
  • Embaixadores Elo - Cielo - Java 8, EJB 3, JAX-RS, Angular 1,5, ionic 1

IT Specialist

2014 - 2017
IBM, Brasilia

Accelerated Value Program IT Specialist performing as a trusted advisor on customer site to leverage the usage and development on WebSphere Portal platform. Enabled the technical team on the WebSphere Portal 8 platform through workshop and courses. Recommended best practices on development, software architecture and environment tuning. Performed on problem determination and solved product issues. Delivered large scale projects that performed on a workload of 3 million users on peak hour.

  • Migration planning - Santander Rio - Argentina - Migration plan from WebSphere Portal to WebSphere Portal 9. Sizing estimative, Environment Architecture, Migration chronogram, Performance and load test planning.
  • Loterías Portal - Caixa Economica Federal - WebSphere Portal 8, WCM 8, WebSphere 8 ND, IHS 8. Mentoring of the technical team to deliver the portal. Leading on performance and load tests to achieve better and faster user experience. Best practices on environment monitoring.
  • Negocios.CAIXA - Caixa Economica Federal - WebSphere Portal 8, WCM 8, WebSphere 8 ND, IHS 8. Mentoring of the technical team to deliver the portal. Software architecture recommendation for restructuring the portal application. Best practices on environment monitoring.
  • Intranet Portal - Banco do Brasil - WebSphere Portal 7, WCM 7, WebSphere 7 ND. Mentoring of the technical team to keep the maintenance of the portal. Performance and load tests to achieve better and faster user experience.

Software Engineer

2010 - 2014
Monumenta Comunicação, Brasilia

Software Engineer in the advertising industry working in a fast paced environment with agile methodologies. Delivered value to customers with awesome projects staying on the edge with technology. Developed web sites, web campaigns, systems and maintained legacy projects. Conducted tests to assure quality of code. Executed performance tests to meet the customer’s estimated access volume.

  • Mundo CAIXA - .Net Framework 3.5, ASP.Net MVC 3, Entity Framework 4, Azure 2.1.
  • Registration PETROS - .Net Framework 3.5, ASP.Net MVC 3, ADO.NET, DB2- AS/400 integration.
  • Kinect Brasil 360º Experience V2 - .Net Framework 4.5, WPF, Kinect for Windows – System to control 360º videos in international tourism fairs.
  • Intranet BTCallCenter - .Net Framework 3.5, ASP.Net MVC 3, Entity FrameWork 4, MSSql Server 2008.
  • Rewards Portal – .Net Framework 3.5, ASP.Net MVC 3, Entity FrameWork 4, MSSql Server 2008.
  • Campus Party CAIXA booth - .Net Framework 3.5, ASP.Net MVC 3, Entity FrameWork 4, MSSql Server 2008 – Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare integration. Service totem triggered by users’ RFID tag.
  • Competition CAIXA CampusCamp - .Net Framework 3.5, ASP.Net MVC 3, Entity FrameWork 4, MSSql Server 2008, Facebook and Twitter Integration – web raffle for a 2012 Campus Party ticket.
  • Kinect Brasil 360º Experience V1 - .Net Framework 3.5, Windows Forms, Kinect for Xbox – System to control 360º videos in international tourism fairs.
  • Brasil 360º Experience - Hotsite - Multilingual Html static site to display 360º videos of Brazil – there was also a Facebook page.
  • CAIXA Surprise promotion - .Net Framework 3.5, ASP.Net MVC 2, Entity Framework 4, MSSql Server 2008.
  • Vacation Mundo CAIXA - .Net Framework 3.5, ASP.Net MVC 2, Entity Framework 4, MSSql Server 2008.
  • EMBRATUR email signature - Jboss 4.2, Java 6. Jboss 4.2, Java 6. System to randomly select the image to embed to Outlook's signature.
  • Hotsite SBCclass - Jboss 5.0, Java 6, Struts 2, Hibernate 3, PostgreeSql.

Software Developer

2009 - 2010
Poliedro Informatica, Brasilia

Software development, version control, integration and unity tests, systems documentation, software development pattern definition, system analysis and modelling.

  • E-GVE – Epidemiological vector management system – 2009 -2010- Java 6, JSF, Ext JS, EJB3, Hibernate 3, PostgreeSQL.
  • CAP ANAC – 2010- Java 6, JSF, EJB3, WebServices, Hibernate 3, Oracle 10g.

Software Developer

2006 - 2009
Armtec, Brasilia

Software engineer in the advertising industry developing web sites, web campaigns and systems. Maintenance of legacy projects.

  • Portal Candango – OpenCms, Java 5, Tomcat 5, MySQL.
  • Portal Instituto Cooperforte - OpenCms, Java 5, Tomcat 5, MySQL.
  • Apex - Indy – OpenCms, Java 6, Tomcat 6, Oracle 11.
  • Portal BrtPrev – OpenCms, Java 6, Tomcat 6, Oracle 10g.
  • Hotsite Sesi - Jboss 5.0, Java 6, Struts 2, Hibernate 3, PostgreeSql.
  • Portal BrasilNetwork - Jboss 4.2, Java 5, OpenCms, PostgreSQL.
  • System DIGISEARCH - ECM - Jboss 5.0, Java 6, Struts 2, Hibernate 3, MSSqlServer 2000.
  • Portal Cooperforte - Jboss 4.2, Java 5, OpenCms, MSSqlServer 2005.
  • Portal Tourism Jobs - Jboss 4.2, Java 5, OpenCms, PostgreSQL.